
PMC New Admission Regulations for 2020-2021

PMC Meeting press release 2020

PMC Admission Regulations 2020-2021

Following PMC New Admission regulations are Approved and Promulgated on 2nd October 2020 by Secretary, Medical & Dental Council Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC).

Pursuant to the powers vested in the Medical and Dental Council under Section 8(2)(f) of the Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020 the Council hereby promulgates these PMC Admission Regulations 2020-2021.

1. These Regulations shall be applicable to all private and public medical and dental college admissions in Pakistan for the 2020-2021 session only.

2. Any student seeking admission in any medical or dental college shall mandatorily be required to have passed the MDCAT examination held by Pakistan Medical Commission. The passing marks for the MDCAT examination shall be 60%.

3. All admissions to public and private medical colleges shall be concluded by or before 15th February 2021 and classes shall begin from January 2021 at the latest. Provided that classes in Baluchistan may begin later than January 2021 after the winter break.

4. A certified list of students admitted to a public or private medical or dental college shall be provided to the Pakistan Medical Commission by the relevant university within sixty (60) days of the close of admissions after having verified the Higher Secondary School Certificate or F.Sc or equivalent examination certificate/degree of the student and other necessary credentials. Provided the information to be provided to the Pakistan Medical Commission shall be in the form prescribed and certified to be true by the University.

5. The Pakistan Medical Commission shall within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the admitting students from the University register the students with the Pakistan Medical Commission and issue each student a unique PMC Student Number.

6. Any students whose degree is not duly verified by the granting institution or credentials are found to be false or forged shall have the admission terminated with immediate effect. A student who is found to have forged their Higher Secondary School Certificate or F.Sc or equivalent examination certificate / degree or presented a false document shall be barred from applying to any medical or dental college in Pakistan in the future. Provided further a student whose admission is terminated on account of having submitted a forged or false document at the time of seeking admission shall have any fee paid to the college forfeited and deposited by the college with the Commission, and which shall be used by the Commission for granting scholarships to deserving students on need basis.

7. In the event that a student drops out or is removed after being admitted within sixty (60) days of close of admissions, and there are during the transfer period no applicants for transfer pursuant to Regulation 8, the college shall be permitted to admit a student on the vacant seat subject to fulfillment of merit as per the merit list issued by the Commission or in the event of a public college the merit list issued by the relevant provincial admitting authority. No college shall be permitted to fill a seat falling vacant after the close of sixty (60) days period.

Provided an admission on a vacant seat shall be notified by the college to the Pakistan Medical Commission through the University within seven (7) days of the end of the sixty (60) day period.

8. If a seat is vacant in a college after the close of admissions, a student having been admitted to any other college may apply to such college for transfer within thirty (30) days of close of admissions. The transfer shall be approved by the accepting college strictly on higher merit if there is more than one applicant for a vacant seat immediately at the close of the thirty (30) day transfer period. The college from whom the student transfers shall be required to reimburse the student the fee deposited by the student, other than the non-refundable admission fee, within fourteen (14) days of transfer and after deducting pro-rata the fee for the number of days the student remained at the college. The reimbursable fee shall be transferred by the college of the student to the accepting college directly. A transferred student shall not be refused a transfer or restrained from attending classes by accepting college in the event of a delay in the transfer of fees by the relieving college. Any dispute as to transfer of fees by one college to another may be referred by such college or colleges to the Council without affecting the studies of the student.

Provided a transfer shall be notified by the college through the University to the Pakistan Medical Commission within three (3) days of the transfer being completed.

Provided further, a transfer from one public college to another public college shall be subject to any applicable policy of the Provincial Government or relevant university of such Provincial Government. | PMC New Admission Regulations for 2020-2021

Public College Admissions

9. Pursuant to Section 18(3) of the PMC Act 2020, all public universities, public colleges or provincial governments or the Federal Government, for purposes of preparing merit lists when admitting students shall be required to give minimum 50% weightage to the marks obtained by the student in MDCAT. A Provincial Government or the Federal Government or its authorized admitting university shall before opening of applications for admission to public medical and dental colleges declare the exact weightage given to MDCAT result subject to it being 50% at the least.

10. All admitting universities of the Provincial Governments or the Federal Government, as the case may be, shall provide to the Pakistan Medical Commission a copy of each merit list issued during the admissions process for record.

11. A Provincial Government or the Federal Government may declare a quota for special seats in defined categories in public colleges administered by the Provincial or Federal Government subject to such quotas being publicly declared prior to the opening of admissions. Provided further, that students admitted against special quotas seats shall be required to mandatorily have passed the MDCAT and obtained a Higher Secondary School Certificate or F.Sc or equivalent examination certificate / degree.

12. All admissions to public medical and dental colleges shall be completed by or before 31st December 2020. | PMC New Admission Regulations for 2020-2021

Private College Admissions

13. Both Aga Khan University and NUMS in respect of its constituent, affiliated and administered colleges have previously declared admission criteria for admissions which includes in addition to the MDCAT an entry test and other criteria specific to such colleges hence substantially fulfilling the requirement of prior disclosure of admission criteria pursuant to Section 18(3) of the PMC Act 2020. Therefore, admissions in the Army Medical College and all constituent, affiliated and administered colleges of NUMS shall be undertaken by NUMS and admissions to Aga Khan Medical College shall be undertaken by Aga Khan University respectively, subject to the mandatory requirement of any student admitted having passed the MDCAT. Any student seeking to apply to said colleges shall be required to apply directly to the relevant university and fulfill the additional requirements for admission imposed and declared by such colleges. Provided quota for special seats in colleges under the administrative control of NUMS shall be regulated by NUMS as may be notified by the relevant Directorate and approved by the Ministry of Defence. Provided further, that students admitted against special quotas seats shall be required to have mandatorily passed the MDCAT and obtained a Higher Secondary School Certificate or F.Sc or equivalent examination certificate / degree.

14. In view of none of the other private medical and dental colleges having any prior declared criteria for admissions and consequently for the admissions in the current session unable to substantially fulfill the requirements of Section 18(3) of the PMC Act 2020, admissions to all private medical and dental shall be conducted only for the 2020-2021 session by the PMC through a centralized national system.

15. An Admissions Committee consisting of three members of the Council nominated by the President and two representatives of private colleges shall oversee the conduct of the centralized national admission system.

16. The Pakistan Medical Commission shall invite applications on a national level from students seeking admission to private medical and dental colleges after the announcement of the MDCAT result. Students shall be required to submit their applications within a fifteen (15) day period from the opening date for submission of applications.

Provided a student may apply for admission to the private colleges notwithstanding having also applied for admission to public colleges.

Provided further, while for purposes of admission to private medical or dental colleges no restriction as to the domicile of the student exists, if a restriction is imposed by a provincial government in exercise of any executive power otherwise vesting in the provincial government, it shall be accounted for in admissions undertaken by the Commission subject to fulfillment merit.

17. A student applying for admission to a private medical or dental college shall provide in their application a list of colleges to which they seek to apply for admission.

18. For purposes of preparing the merit list the MDCAT result shall carry a 50% weightage whereas the remaining weightage shall be given to the marks acquired by the students in the F.Sc, Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent examination and as equivalenced and certified by IBCC in the case a qualification obtained from either an external board examination taken in Pakistan or outside Pakistan.

19. The Pakistan Medical Commission shall on 1st January 2021 issue a national merit list for each private college. The merit list of each college shall list all applicants who have listed the college as a preference and shall be organized strictly on merit.

20. A student having passed the MDCAT exam and obtained 65% or more in the F.Sc or equivalent exam shall be eligible for admission in a medical or dental college.

21. The merit list equivalent to the allocated seats of a college shall be referred to as the 1st Merit List and represent an offer of admission. The remaining merit list shall be referred to as the Waiting Merit List.

22. A student who appears on the 1st Merit List issued by the Pakistan Medical Commission shall be required to within seven (7) days of their name appearing on the 1st Merit List, as confirmation of accepting an offer of admission, deposit Rs.200,000 in the designated bank account of the Commission and shall select the offered admission to the choice of their college. A student who selects the offered admission in a given college, their name shall be deleted, as may be appearing from the merit lists of all other colleges otherwise selected by them.

23. On the selection by a student of an offered admission and corresponding deletion from the merit list of other colleges, the name of the student next in line in the Waiting Merit List shall be automatically added to the 1st Merit List.

24. A student having confirmed admission to a college shall deposit, after deducting the admission deposit, the balance of the notified tuition fee of the college with the relevant college within seven (7) days of accepting admission. The student and the college shall enter the confirmation of payment on the Commission’s portal on deposit of balance fee. The admission deposit of the student shall be transferred to their college by the Commission on receipt of such confirmation.

25. A student who does not pay the balance tuition fee within the seven (7) day period shall have their offer of admission canceled and their admission deposit refunded to them. The student shall retain no further right to the admission offered or an offer of any future admission. | PMC New Admission Regulations for 2020-2021

Fees and Charges

26. All private medical and dental colleges shall provide to Pakistan Medical Commission by or before 20th October 2020 a breakdown of the tuition fee, non-refundable admission fee, hostel fee, transport charges and all other charges as may be sought to be charged by the college from students obtaining admission in 2020-2021 session with a further breakdown of such fee and charges and any annual escalation thereon on annual basis for the complete period of the program.

27. No private medical and dental college shall at any time during the program of study charge from a student any amount in addition to the maximum charges notified by it to the Commission.

28. The Pakistan Medical Commission shall review the maximum charges as proposed by each college within seven (7) days of submission on the basis of the infrastructure, facilities and quality of education provided. In the event that any proposed fee is found to be unreasonably excessive the Pakistan Medical Commission shall provide the college with the reasons and determine an alternative maximum tuition or charges against the ones proposed by the college.

29. The final determined fee for the 2020-2021 for each private medical and dental college shall be notified by the Commission. 30. The tuition fee of students already admitted to the college prior to September 2020 shall not be increased by more than 5% per annum. | PMC New Admission Regulations for 2020-2021

These admission regulations are Approved and Promulgated on 2nd October 2020 by Secretary, Medical & Dental Council Pakistan Medical Commission Here is the PDF Document of these regulations, you can download by clicking the link given below.

PDF – PMC Admission Regulations 2020-2021

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