
Real Online Earning Methods in Pakistan |5 Methods that 100% work

Real Online Earning Methods in Pakistan

Today I will show you the Real Online Methods in Pakistan to make money online without any investment. What to do? and from where to start? is very important. These are 100% practical and real methods that will work. Even if you don’t have any expertise or skills and experience. The need is only your consistency and patience.

Don’t follow the shortcuts because these will not be going to pay you. Useful online earning methods require hard work and consistency and most importantly patience. Let’s start;

5. Youtube

If you are familiar with this method, you can skip this method. But If you want to know more about youtube earning, I will discuss how you can grow your youtube channel and get views or subscribers. And what are the other methods that can help you to make money on Youtube?

In simple words, You make a youtube channel and upload your videos. Google Adsense runs advertisements on your videos and you make money. This is the basic and most known for all of you. The other methods that can help you to make money on youtube are, that you can advertise your own products. If you have a website, software, or other. You can ask your audience to download, install my app, or you can do affiliate marketing by giving reviews about the products. | Real Online Earning Methods in Pakistan

How to get success at the Youtube channel?

There the five points/conditions that you need to fulfill for the success.

  1. Create your own videos/content.
  2. Don’t do reuploading/ copyrighted content/ duplication
  3. Follow Youtube community guidelines. ( No violence, Hate speeches, against children policy content)
  4. Make interesting and worth watching content, Something New content, tricks, etc… Because Nowadays Youtube does not count views on your video but Watch Time. Avoid uselessly videos/content
  5. Focus on one specific niche. For example, if you create a cooking recipe channel. You should upload recipe related videos.

Earnings on Youtube channel start when you reach the threshold set by Youtube. That is your channel should have 1000 subscribes and 4000 watch hour in the previous 12 months period.

4. Photography ( Shutterstock, GettyImages, etc..)

Photography can also pay you if you are familiar with Shutterstock and GettyImages like websites. Shutterstock and GettyImages have premium images, you will see the watermark on many images of Shutterstock. Actually, these are paid images and people Buy these images from Shutterstock.

People make an account on any of these websites and Sell their videos or photo. It means they make Photo or video by their camera or maybe by graphics or animation and post on these websites. The more sales of photos and videos the more you get earning by the commission.

  1. Shutterstock pay 18-25 cents for a photo
  2. Shutterstock pay 60 to 70 dollars for video

The video should be 5 to 60 seconds long without sound or voice. Most of the people make 5 to 15 seconds long video. Make videos on new ideas and be creative. Don’t use copyrighted or someone else images. GettyImages, pay more on videos than Shutterstock. | Real Online Earning Methods in Pakistan

3. Create a Website/ Blog

You can create a website by purchasing hosting and domain. Then you should write articles/content. For Blog, you should write a minimum of 300 words for a post/article. When you have done 20 Posts or articles. You can monetize your website with Google Adsense. The more traffic on your website, the more the earnings.

For website making, you have to spend some money on purchasing the domain and hosting that can cost you 10$ for .Com domain and 11$ for Hosting for 1 Year. The Cheapest Hosting is provided by NetHostKing.

You can also do this on for a free blog or website. You don’t need to buy a domain or hosting But Blogspot blogs or websites’ SEO and rankings always slow and Google Adsense difficult or time taking to be approved.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is to become a member of an online store, to help them to sell their products. And each sale produced by you, pay you a commission. For example, If you become an affiliate member of Amazon. You get affiliate links of different products of your choice. You share those links at your website, blog, social media platform, or something else. When someone purchases the product from your link you get the commission.

There are many websites that offer affiliate programs. In Pakistan, there is, you can start and earn.

You can also advertise your affiliate product links to get more visitors and more chances of sales. This is another way to earn money by Website.

1. Freelancing

Freelancing is a part-time job work. You get a task from the client, you complete it and handover to the client. Fiverr is one of the easy and best platform for freelancing for beginners. There are some others that can give you a freelancing facility. Upwork,, Guru .com, Design Crowd.

You can simply make an account on Fiverr to start freelancing. Make the gig related to the skills you have about particular work. For example, if you have video editing skills, you can offer people to edit their videos at different pricing. People will contact you, give you order and you can earn more than any other method. But you should have the patience for this work. And very good skills if you think that customers like your work. | Real Online Earning Methods in Pakistan

Be practical! Be patience!

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