Internship Weekly Marketing Activities |Pharma Company

I began my temporary position in October. My reporting time in the organization was from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm I was approached to report the organization premises at a definite 9:30 am. I met with the marketing manager. The man who is heading the marketing department of the company. On my first day, I was introduced to the sales and promotional activities of the company. Where I understand How a pharma company does its sales and promotional activities. A team of Pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSRs) with more than ten members they have.

The company direct them to one of the best doctors in Lahore and asked them to test and use our medicine and formula. They meet the doctors and hospitals’ dispensaries and medical stores to use our formula. They tell them the specifications of the formula and how much is it effective for treatment.

The basic purposes of the team were;
• Meeting the client
• Briefing
• Meeting minutes
• Client Query form
• Client requirement
• Creative guidelines
• Market Research and Analysis

The manager also told me about the objectives of this team which were;
• To create new forms of ingenious techniques for communication.
• To best suit the needs of the clientele in the market.
• Defining the most effective means of communication.
• To maintain the promise to be different.
• To create a family rather than a workforce.
• To ensure optimum utilization of all the available resources.

So, the first week was an introduction to the sales and promotional activities of the Harmann Pharmaceutical Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. How they make sales and get orders and the team behind this purpose.

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