Covid-19 CoronaVirus Pandemic, On December, 31st World health organization was alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuha City , Hubei Province of China . The virus didn’t match any other known virus . This raised concern because when ‘When a virus is new, We do not know how it affects people.
Covid-19 CoronaVirus Pandemic
One week later of 7th January , Chinese authorities confirmed a new virus . The new virus is coronavirus , which is a family of viruses , that includes common cold and viruses such as SARS and MARS. This new virus was temporarily named “ 2019-nCoV”

Coronavirus is very important human and animal pathogens. Its symptoms include a fever , coughing and shortness of breath. Unfortunately there is No vaccine available. There is no specific treatment or cure for the virus. Patients are given supportive care for symptoms.
How do you reduce your risk of Coronavirus Infection?
World Health Organization recommends the following;
- Regularly clean hands and water or alcohol based hand rub . Wash hands regularly after coughing or sneezing , when caring for the sick before ,during and after you prepare food, before eating , after toilet use and after handling animals.
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue , sleeve or flexed elbow. Throw tissue or cloth after used. Clean hands after coughing and sneezing.
- Wear a mask. Mask should not be touched or handled during use. If the mask gets wet or dirty, it must be changed immediately. Dispose of the mask after utilize and perform hand cleanliness after removing the cover.
- Avoid close contact with anyone in case of cold or flu-like symptoms . Some patients may already be harboring virus and have no symptoms.
- Thoroughly cook meat and egg. Avoid and unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals . Avoid contact with stray animals, away from weeds while shopping in wild market.
If you get sick , seek medical care
If you have fever, cough and difficulty in breathing , see a doctor and seek medical care early . Avoid public transportation if you are sick and going to the hospital. Avoid travel if you have a fever or cough. If you become sick while travelling , inform crew and medical care early. Avoid spitting in public .

Practice food Safety during Covid-19 CoronaVirus Pandemic
Seek animals and animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten. Infants , elderly people with other medical problems such as diabetes , heart disease and chronic lung disease have higher risk of dying from disease.
Thank You for reading , Be Safe ! Be Healthier !
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