If you are a Businessman , Entrepreneur or Corporate Leadership. This article will be a game-changer for you. Do people always ask questions like What type of...
Category - Business
It includes all business related information. It include very important study and reading material.
Non-Banking Financial Institutions NBFIs Non-Banking Financial Institutions NBFIs. NBFIs can be defined as the financial institution that does not have a...
Principles of Insurance The following are some basic principles of insurance . These principles are very important when insurance companies are established...
Important Functions of Insurance The insurance company performs many functions, Important Functions of Insurance we have classified these functions into...
Types of Insurance There are many types of insurance. But the most known are given here; 1) Life/Personal Insurance In this type of insurance, the Insurer will...
Insurance What is Insurance and Insurance premium? Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism. It’s a method of shifting the responsibility for losses to the party...
Bank and Customer relationship Here are the Bank and customer relationship. How Bank customer relationship management is performed. Bank The bank is defined as...
Bill discounting and factoring is related to bills or invoice of a seller and a buyer when buyer purchase goods on credit from the seller. These are also known...
Financial Statements of Banks There are three financial statements of commercial banks that are discussed here; Balance sheet, Income Statement, and cash flow...
What is Islamic Banking? Islamic Banking is based on the Islamic principles of trade and finance. It endorses on interest-free debt and denies effortless...